
We feature regular blogs from our Trustees, plus other people we support in North East Essex.


We are proud to have relaunched Anglian Community Trust again recently, for the benefit of people
in North East Essex. Please read our latst blogs with our Trustees, with more to come over the next few weeks.

Julie Young – Chair

Julie talks about her previous successes and what drives her to help more people in the future through ACT.

Frank Sims – Treasurer

Frank talks about what he achieved when he worked for Anglian Community Enterprises and how he sees the future shaping up for ACT.

Michael Pollington – Trustee

Michael shares his vision for what kind of grant funder he would like ACT to be in the future.

Launch of the Underdog Crew’s new mini-bus

It’s early Sunday afternoon. The Colchester half marathon has just been run and The Underdog Crew are standing on Tesco’s forecourt in Highwoods, in the rain!